Corporate and ownership governance

We assist in the design and implementation of corporate governance and risk management models, always seeking the best solutions, whether for management and corporate successions, compliance, or discipline and harmony between partners. We offer these services because we know that structured initiatives for these matters allow partners, investors and company managers to increase their focus on the success of the business.

Thus, we work to help entrepreneurs and investors to understand the company, its objectives, and to define the best governance model, according to each client’s stage and profile. In addition to drafting compliance and governance instruments, we advise our clients in resolving succession issues and on the enhancement of their compliance policies and structures.

This array of services is the result of our experience as external lawyers in specialized firms and legal executives in leading organizations in various industries and stages of development. Our team has extensive experience in negotiating, drafting and reviewing shareholder agreements, compliance policies and other governance and risk management instruments for businesses in all countries, from startups to publicly traded companies with shares listed on stock exchanges. We also have a solid history of assisting entrepreneurs and investors in defining the most efficient structures for each business and investment profile.

For more information, contact our team. We are always ready to discuss your needs and present the tangible results that this service could bring to your business.

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